Holiday Greetings

Thank you from our founder and board of directors!

What an extraordinary year 2020 has been. In the wake of the global pandemic, the numbers of people are in need of support is greater than ever.

This statement is especially true for the women and men undergoing breast cancer treatments and surgeries. For after BREAST CANCER, this need has become severe as women are reaching out to us in record numbers for material help, help that comes directly from people like you.

Your generosity allows us to continue our work to ensure that no woman should forego the items needed immediately following mastectomy surgery. It is these very items that helps a person re-build her changed life with dignity and self-assurance.

On the behalf of our board of directors, ambassadors, volunteers and interns, I would to take this opportunity to say 

THANK YOU for an incredible year, a year filled with many ups and many downs.

YOUR support made the difference, YOUR generous donation made it possible for us to help others in need.

Happy Holidays, please stay safe and my 2021 bring you and your family Love, Peace and great Health.


Alicia Vianga



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