“I am the master of my fate / I am the captain of my soul.” ~ William Ernst Henley, “Invictus”
Melissa Frew always knew she had a risk of developing breast cancer. She just didn’t expect it to happen how it did.
In 2013, Melissa and her sister underwent genetic testing, because of family history. When the results showed a possible link to other genes, she went through a high risk screening program. Unconcerned—she’d just had an all clear mammogram—she agreed to further testing. A few days later, at 41, she was diagnosed with cancer.
“I thought of my girls, who were three and eight at the time. I thought about all my plans and how everything changed in an instant.”
Prior to diagnosis, Melissa was a stay-at-home mum with plans to re-enter the work force.
“Now I am back to that, but with a much different view point than before,” she says. “Time is precious and I want to take advantage of every day.”